When it comes to getting your photo lasered onto our 100% leather products, our millimeter accurate laser engraver relies on specific file formats and minimum quality to ensure the best outcome.
Please no screen shots, face book images , google images or night time photos. These images do not have the quality needed for a good result.
What will it cost
Your Own Photo will cost an extra $40.00 to have laser engraved onto your cover. Peronalisation is charged at $1.00 per letter.
Your Photo must be at least 1mb in size and a clear image with a high resolution. The better the image the better result. File format : JPEG
Please no thumbnail photos or night time shots
Click on the photo below, then Just click on the upload button, add your photo. Enter in the personalisation and how many letters. If none is required just click no letters.
If you are unsure if your image will be good enough please email it to sales@underhide.com.au We can then have a look and get back to you.
For a Single Own Photo Only please let us know if you are after more than one cover with the same image for savings
Click on the Photo below